7 Horrible Mistakes You’re Making with Affirmations

Chisa Pennix-Brown
4 min readJul 28, 2022


Affirmations are a huge deal in the wellness industry. As a Mental Wealth Life Stylist and Content Creator, I love affirmations because they are a bridge to finding common ground with people. They have become a part of my daily life as I market my Real Ass Affirmations podcast. I post affirmations and ask people to respond and share it with someone who may need the words that they see on the screen.

Oftentimes, I will hear people proclaim that affirmations do not work for them. I usually tell them that there is nothing wrong with using affirmations to bolster confidence and change one’s mindset, but the person is typically making one or more of these 7 horrible mistakes with the affirmations.

1. Saying what you don’t want.

The point of an affirmation is put the energy out into the world that you “do want”. When you tell the world, I don’t want xyz, the Universe hears the don’t and skips over what you really want. Make your affirmations positive.

2. Believing that just because you say it, the affirmation will happen.

Affirmations are meant to be said and then repeated to enforce and reinforce their value. Saying the affirmation once is not a ticket to receiving its benefit. Affirmations are there to nudge you in the direction of working toward the goal.

3. Not Believing that the Affirmation will “actually” happen

If you don’t believe that it will happen, then you’re right. Affirmations require an agreement with yourself and that allows you to have faith in its desired outcome.

4. Believing and doing nothing.

Affirmations work best when you do the work to get you closer to the goal. If you desired goal is to affirm to be a millionaire, but you never put yourself in a position to accomplish it, the odds are ever in favor of not being a millionaire. The best affirmations include the action to make them happen.

5. Wanting a Quick Fix

Some people believe that affirmations will be a quick fix for their problems. Oftentimes the affirmation itself is an eyeopener which requires self-examination to make the path clearer to the affirmer. Just because you want something to happen doesn’t mean that your behavior can remain the same.

6. You’re Trying too hard

The point of an affirmation is to make it easy for you to find something to guide your path as you make the changes needed in life. If you take the lead its fine, but you must understand the principle of the affirmation and align yourself with people, places, and things that make it easy for you to participate in your own success.

7. You have too many affirmations

I love a daily affirmation. It gets me up and motivates me for the day. When you are styling the life, you want you must be narrower in your focus. Each affirmation that you see or hear is not for your activation. It may be an opportunity to get motivated to share as a means of achieving your own sense of accomplishment. Find 1–3 affirmations that can guide your personal and professional path and reach your goal. Use them and invent or find new ones when you’re done.

As a lover of affirmations, I want to leave you with my top ones that allow me to continue to help others Style their Confident Lives.

1. I am the Solution

I use this to boost myself when I know that something is wrong or not favorable. I know that the existence of a problem is reality. However, its nothing too big that I or someone I know can’t solve. This is usually a situation where I can figure out how to make the situation better with positive thinking.

2. Calm Me is Thoughtful Me

I use this to immediately calm myself down when I am overwhelmed. It’s been a rough time to get this Zen, but it is a real place that my mind automatically goes. I must be calm to hear how to fix my attitude even if my circumstances are less than ideal. This is usually followed by a nap or closed eyes and breathing exercises.

Now that you know why your affirmations haven’t been working you are equipped with the way to turn your affirmational journey into one that allows for growth, understanding and patience. I say unto you, happy times are ahead and #AffirmThatIsh!


Listen to the podcast Real Ass Affirmations for a weekly dose of goodness.

Follow Chisa at www.Instagram.com/ChisaPennixBrown



Chisa Pennix-Brown

Chisa Pennix-Brown, MBA Life Stylist, Podcaster, Mental Wealth Advocate, NC's #1 Small Business Facilitator #Author of The #90DayFocus (http://t.co/9CCgwjwrj4)